


大学可能很贵. 十大网赌网站大全知道. But at 霍金 College, our goal is to give you a quality education you can afford.


十大网赌网站大全的 包罗万象的定价结构 使上大学的费用很容易理解,没有意外的费用. 所有班级的费用,包括书本、用品、制服等. are included in your course fees, and you'll receive those supplies on your first day of class. You won't have to worry about paying for extra items for your courses; all you have to do is focus on learning and putting yourself on the path to your dream career.


助学金被认为是礼物援助,你不需要偿还的钱. 要申请助学金,你必须 完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA).

有关联邦学生资助资格的更多信息, 奖励限制和其他重要信息, 请参阅 联邦学生援助指南.

如有任何问题,请与财政援助办公室联系 financialaid@霍金.edu.

  • 以需求为基础的补助金被认为是礼物援助
  • 最大数量 for 2023-2024 is $7395 for the academic year (3697 per semester if eligible)
  • 津贴金额视乎预期家庭供款额而定, 学生入学情况, 和出勤费用
  • 如果符合条件, you may receive Pell no more than 6 semesters (equivalent to 3 years) for an Associates degree.
  • 不能同时接受一所以上学校的佩尔奖学金.
  • 什么是佩尔助学金?
  • Campus-based fund awarded to students with highest financial need (Full PELL-eligible students)
  • 必须完成FAFSA申请吗
  • 在十大网赌网站大全,一个奖励年度的最高金额为1000美元
  • 考虑礼品援助


如果你申请经济援助, 作为学校经济援助的一部分,你可能会获得贷款. A 贷款是你借的钱,必须带着利息偿还. 学生贷款可以来自联邦政府, 从私人来源,如银行或金融机构, 或者来自其他组织.

如有任何问题,请与财政援助办公室联系 financialaid@霍金.edu.

  • 贷款人是U.S. 教育部
  • 根据FAFSA确定的经济需求
  • U.S. 教育部 pays interest on subsidized loan while you are enrolled at least half-time, 在大学毕业后的头六个月里, 或者延期.
  • 一年级本科生年度贷款限额:
    • Dependent Students: $5,500 with no more than $3,500 may be in subsidized loans.
    • Independent Students: $9,500 with no more than $3,500 may be in subsidized loans.
  • 二年级本科生年度贷款限额:
    • Dependent Students: $6,500 with no more than $4,500 may be in subsidized loans.
    • Independent Students: $10,500 with no more than $4,500 may be in subsidized loans.
  • 贷款人是U.S. 教育部
  • 无补贴不是基于财政的 需要的, 但是基于出席的成本.
  • 学生须负责贷款期间的利息
  • 如果你在上学期间选择不支付利息, 延期或忍耐的时期, 或者入学时间不到一半, 利息将累积并资本化. 
  • 一年级本科生年度贷款限额:
    • Dependent Students: $5,500 with no more than $3,500 may be in subsidized loans.
    • Independent Students: $9,500 with no more than $3,500 may be in subsidized loans.
  • 二年级本科生年度贷款限额:
    • Dependent Students: $6,500 with no more than $4,500 may be in subsidized loans.
    • Independent Students: $10,500 with no more than $4,500 may be in subsidized loans.
  • 贷款人是美国。.S. 教育部
  • 需要信贷审批
  • 最大数量 limited to 霍金 College’s Cost of Attendance (COA) minus any other financial aid the student is receiving
  • 一旦贷款全部支付,还款就开始了
  • 当前利率是7.54%
  • 最大数量, 经信贷批准后, up to cost of attendance minus all other financial aid the student is receiving

学生贷款营销协会(Sallie Mae)

Students may want to consider 应用ing for private loans if the amount of federal financial aid is not enough to cover the full cost of attendance or if eligibility for financial aid is lost. 私人贷款是以信用为基础的, t在这里fore you are encouraged to obtain a co-signer to help with the approval as well as to secure a better interest rate.


申请私人贷款, please visit our preferred lender site to compare products and begin your application.


霍金 College offers more than 50 scholarships that are awarded to hundreds of students. With the support of our generous donors and our commitment within the institution, we are able to offer scholarship opportunities to qualified full-time students. 


To receive priority consideration for scholarships in the 2023-2024 school year, 新学生 must have submitted their admissions application and have completed their 2023-2024 FAFSA by Feb. 1, 2023. Students who complete these items after the deadline may still be considered for any unawarded scholarships

归国全日制学生 必须在3月31日前注册2023-2024学年, 2023, and have a completed 2023-2024 FAFSA on file to be considered for scholarships.

如有任何疑问,请与基金会办公室联系,电话: wellsd34471@霍金.edu or 740-753-7010.

从雅典毕业的高三学生, 费尔菲尔德, 霍金, 佩里, Pickaway, 罗斯县和温顿县有资格获得这项奖学金. 地区学者奖学金每学年价值1,000美元.


  1. 申请入读十大网赌网站大全秋季或春季学期 应用.霍金.edu.
  2. 使用FAFSA申请联邦和州财政援助计划 www.FAFSA.政府 完成所有的经济援助要求.
  3. 在你的课程中至少注册12个学分. Students must be registered before the first day of the semester to receive an award for that term. Flex课程不计入学生的合格学分.
  4. Attend autumn or spring semester classes within one year of graduating high school.

只要学生保持资格, the scholarship will be available for the duration of the student's first associate degree at 霍金 College, 最多四个学期.


  • Remain enrolled as a full-time student (at least 12 credit hours per semester).
  • 保持令人满意的学业进步(SAP). SAP指南可在 www.霍金.edu/financial-aid.

Students selected to join the 霍金 College Singers are eligible for a chance at a scholarship worth up to $1,每学期000美元.


  • Full-time students (at least 12 credit hours per semester) in an eligible degree or certificate program at 霍金 College.
  • 注册mu -1131(十大网赌网站大全歌手).
  • 保持令人满意的学业进步(SAP). SAP指南可在 www.霍金.edu/financial-aid.
  • 在申请奖学金的那一年完成最多的FAFSA.


Students must schedule an in-person audition or submit a 1-2 minute video audition singing one song in its entirety that showcases their range of talent.

提交视频或安排试镜, 点击这里. Applicants MUST submit the online application 7 days before the first day of classes.

如果你对提交试镜有任何疑问请致电艾米莉·戴维斯 740-753-6137.

The Presidential Scholars Award is a competitive scholarship for 新学生 who have demonstrated not only academic excellence in High School but also civic engagement that has enriched their local community. Award recipients will serve as a Student Ambassador representing 霍金 College at various events, host guided tours or speak with various stakeholders about the student experience. 要被考虑,学生必须至少达到3分.高中平均成绩5分,并积极参与社区活动. Students also need to have their admissions application submitted for the following Autumn term, complete their FAFSA and submit the Presidential Scholars application by the deadline below. In addition, recipients must be enrolled full time in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester.

要申请,请填写表格 在这里. 申请截止日期为2023年5月31日.



除了传统的赠款组合, 奖学金和贷款, 十大网赌网站大全会帮你找到其他方式来支付你的学费, 比如确保你使用了你应得的军事福利.

有关详细信息 军事利益 你可能符合条件, 请联系斯蒂芬·鲍威尔, 退伍军人和军人学生服务中心主任 waltzi@霍金.edu.


对一些学生来说, the total direct costs to attend college may exceed the amount of financial aid a student is eligible. 如果学生的经济援助不足以支付所有的教育费用, 此外,还有其他融资方案可以帮助弥补这一缺口.

如果你要支付的余额少于1美元,500, 在所有秋季学期的费用和预期资助已经公布之后, 你可以建立一个现金支付计划. 付款计划不得超过1美元,500美元,除以4,预计每月支付375美元. 你的第一笔付款, 还有30美元的申请费, 必须在注册学期的每月1号之前支付吗. 学期结束前需支付全部余额.

Students and their parents may make a one-time payment to cover your remaining balance after all charges and expected financial aid has been posted. 

如果您计划使用第三方支付您的教育费用, 例如WIOA, 529计划, 或者另一种支付方式, you must provide documentation that you are eligible for the funds or proof of available funds to be paid to 霍金 College.

如果你要支付的余额是2美元,一学期不超过500美元, 在所有费用和预期援助都已公布之后, 你可能有资格获得高达1美元的霍金大学工作奖学金,000. 获得这项奖学金, 你必须同意在十大网赌网站大全的学生就业岗位工作. 请联系你的财务援助代表确认你是否符合资格.

如需职位列表,请联系十大网赌网站大全职业咨询中心 & 大学中心 hccareer@霍金.edu.

联邦工作研究 (FWS)是一种就业形式,也是联邦财政援助, 和其他形式的经济援助一样, you must indicate your interest in employment on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • 学生在校期间的兼职就业机会
  • 全日制学生入学,可选择非全日制入学
  • 鼓励社区服务工作
  • 从事社区服务的学生可获得2美元的报酬.每小时增加00美元
  • Maximum FWS award amount is $3000 at 霍金 College (These funds are not awarded to the College, 它们是用来发工资的

普通的兼职 (RPT) 学生就业 is for those students who do not meet the criteria for FWS, 或工作奖学金, 但还是希望工作.

For a list of available positions or to get started, please contact the 霍金 College 职业生涯 & 大学中心 hccareer@霍金.edu.







通过教育开始你人生的下一个阶段似乎令人望而生畏. 这就是为什么十大网赌网站大全在这里帮助你走好每一步.
